So much birthday business- outfits, gifts, make-up, food and partying!

Well firstly I'd like to apologise that I haven't posted in about a week whereas I normally post at least once a day, but I've been SUPER busy! It has been my birthday plus various other things that have kept me really busy for a whole week. BUT on the plus side, I had an amazing birthday and was so, so spoiled by all of my dear friends and family - which means I have lots and lots of new things to blog about. But for now, I'll start to tell you about my birthday weekend.
The run up to my birthday made me feel like one of the spoilt little girls from the 'My Sweet 16' programs, but still! A school friend is just starting up doing gel nails so me and my mum decided to get our nails done and I had this lovely pinky-red colour which I've had before and really liked and better still a friend of mine bought me a polish in the exact same colour! As well as that I had my eyebrows waxed and hair done, hehe! The day before my birthday was spent running around and preparing things, from getting gifts (lucky me) to buying food and drink for my birthday.
Some new make-up goodies include the Chanel waterproof inimitable mascara which I really love as it lengthens, thickens and curls lashes really well and looks flawless and clumpless. I also got two Revlon nail polishes in these amazing colours from a dear friend of mine and they're AMAZING! The last, but not least, is a bronzing powder which is actually from Accessorize, but I think is really lovely - it's a blend of pink and bronze and looks really natural on the skin and lasts really well.
On the morning of my birthday, my wonderful partner Philip that you can see in the picture at the top, got me waffles, greek yogurt, smoothie and blueberries for the market to make me the yummiest birthday breakfast ever (which you can also see at the top). He even remembered that I'd want 0% fat greek yogurt too!
Then, after opening lots of incredible presents from friends and family me and Philip headed out to do more shopping. This also included getting my outfit for the evening - the kind of last minute panic that is always stressful. But here are the clothes I bought to the right!! The black and white two-piece that you can see is a skirt co-ord set that I actually picked up in the kiddy section as it was a bargain find so I thought 'why not', not that I think I'll ever get around to wearing it out... The shoes, I absolutely LOVE! They're a bright, coral-pink and are from Dorothy Perkins and I think were around £35 but when I took them to the till were actually on sale for just £10, which is great because I'd have definitely paid £35 for them as I LOVE them! The same happened with the shorts which are a tapestry kind of effect and are from Pull & Bear, which when I got to the till were only £7.99! The black and white silky kind of dress is a another kids dress but was quite a big size and I love this kind of dress so got this one too. The bikini top was £28 from Boux Avenue and I love the paisley kind of pattern on this one. There isn't much to say about the white crop from Topshop, but this was £8 and I thought it might look nice with the shorts. Finally, the knickers and socks from Accessorize which are just too cute to refuse!

Mid-way through shopping we stopped for a little Krispy Kreme date and had naughty milkshakes and donuts (birthdays are always cheat days)! And it was honestly the best caramel milkshake I have ever had! I'd even say that it was a lot better than the all-time favourite Starbucks Frappucino! So for special occasion treats, definitely have one of these. We both had peanut butter kremes too which were equally as delicious!
After lots of shopping and walking we made our way home to prepare all of the snacks and drinks for the party. As well as snacks, there was my truly amazing birthday cake that my mum had made for me which you can see at the top and here to the right.
My birthday and all of the gifts I received from my truly, truly amazing family and friends were really wonderful and I have SO much more to blog about in the coming weeks so look out for all of that guys! Happy days! :-)
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