SO, I thought I'd make this post because we all know how beneficial running is from the thousands of articles raving about it in terms of burning calories, improving heart health, releasing endorphins, etc etc! BUT, many of us take to running and very quickly begin to hate it for one reason or another. OR maybe some of you do love running but just want some tips to make running even better. Either way, give this a read!

It has been proven that coffee can actually help your workout! I find that having a coffee about half-an-hour (don't have it too soon before your workout) really helps me to run for longer and faster. Definitely give this a try, especially if you seem to never be beating your 'personal bests', you may surprise yourself after a coffee. Don't however try and run after a big breakfast. I like to do my run early in the morning before breakfast or anything else as this is proven to be the best time for a workout and burns the most calories, but it also doesn't interfere with my day then. Once I've completed my run, I have my shower and breakfast and get on with my day. Jogging early in the morning before anything else also makes me feel a lot more energised throughout the day and I tend to be more productive.
2) Use the Nike+ Running App!
I honestly cannot rave about this app enough! In fact, I should do a whole separate post about this app - it's truly wonderful. It tracks your whole run as you go and gives you feedback afterwards about distance, speed, calories burned, fastest mile, fastest 1k and even shows you a map of your run and where you ran more quickly and more slowly. The app counts your NikeFuel points and gives you little 'achievements' for certain things (and I have to admit, the points and achievements do give me extra motivation to run)! You can also add friends and compete with them which is great fun and the slight competition aspect encourages you to run more too. Though if you don't like the social aspect, you can have a completely private account.
3) Listen to a good album, playlist or audio-book!
A good upbeat album or playlist can make all the difference during a run and make you power through that last bit of distance. Recently, I've actually been listening to the new U2 album on my runs which I am loving. Alternatively you can create a playlist of your own, or even buy a workout CD. Some people enjoy listening to an audio-book on their run and find that when they get drawn into the story, they run further to find out what happens (you just have to set a rule that you only listen to the audio-books on your runs)! If you're using the Nike running app, it supports music playing and you can even choose 'power songs' for the last stretch of the run.
4) Use a running armband!
After using one of these, I really could not go back to the days of trying to hold my phone, house keys and water bottle (whilst trying also to put my earphones in)! These are really great and make it a lot easier to have a more comfortable run without holding anything (unless I go for a slightly longer run and just carry a running water bottle). Honestly, these will make your running experience better! And you don't have to purchase expensive Nike armbands, you can pick these up quite cheaply, for less than £5 in stores or online.
5) Get a running water bottle!
A lot of people will find that after a run they'll have a very sore throat for a day or two and just can't see how running is worthwhile if you have a sore throat afterwards. However this is often because when you're running of course you breath much more quickly through your mouth, and quite simply, your mouth will get really dry and all of the air (especially cold air in the colder months) can give you a sore throat. A simple solution to this is a small running water bottle. It doesn't need to be big and it doesn't need to be expensive - just a small water bottle to stop the overwhelming thirst and a dry sore throat, is all you need. Again, bottles like these can be bought very cheaply online. Of course a normal, small water bottle is fine, but the running ones, such as the one photographed above are just a lot easier to hold whilst you run.

A pair of comfortable running tights will also make a big difference to your run. And they need to fit! It's extremely annoying trying to run with over-sized bottoms falling down as you're running. And too tight, and you'll feel restricted and uncomfortable as you run. Tracksuit bottoms or jogging bottoms (despite the name) and not good for jogging or running. You want lightweight, and non-baggy clothing. Your choice of top is a little less important and as long as you don't go with over-sized, baggy jumpers and jackets, you should be ok. And for the ladies, a comfortable but supportive bra, or sports bra is ideal, especially for the bustier ladies.

Now this may be where the savvy savers think that 'this running business is getting all to expensive'. But it doesn't have to be like that, especially if you're just beginning. If you're just trying running then even stores such as Tesco, Primark and H&M will do some sort of running shoe. However I will say that running in court shoes and using proper running shoes is a very, very different experience. And even the best of us know that a bad pair of shoes can ruin a very good day. So don't give up on running because it's uncomfortable on your feet - you'll get there. Also, if you're someone that is trying to lose weight with running and you think that you may be a little overweight, getting some exercise insoles for your shoes will make running a lot less harsh on your feet.

Running the same route every time, will inevitably get boring... Mix it up and run different routes and find some new places to run. Or incorporate your run into things such as your weekly shop. Is your supermarket a mile away? Take a quick run there, and walk back with your shopping. Another great thing about the Nike running app is that you can select a distance, or a timed run, meaning that you can just run in any direction and let the app guide you as to when to head back.
I hope that you enjoyed this post and have got some new tips on how to enjoy running more! If you tried any of these tips, have any questions, or even have some tips of your own, please post your comments below! :-)
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